
mary meeker中文是什么意思

  • 米克尔



  • 例句与用法
  • In the lecture , mary meeker will share with us her insights on the global trends in internet , china s online future as well as what it takes to be a good analyst
  • In the lecture , mary meeker will share with us her insights on the global trends in internet , china s online future as well as what it takes to be a good analyst
  • Dubbed " queen of the net " for her work on the evolution of the internet and named by time . com as a cyber elite , mary meeker is the managing director of morgan stanley and serves as co - leader of the firm s global technology research team
    以熟悉互联网演进见称并被封为“互联网皇后”及被time . com誉为互联网精英的玛丽米克,现为摩根士丹利的董事总经理并公司之全球科技研究组组长之一,由互联网发展初期至今一直深信互联网带来前所未有的商机。
  • Dubbed " queen of the net " for her work on the evolution of the internet and named by time . com as a cyber elite , mary meeker is the managing director of morgan stanley and serves as co - leader of the firm s global technology research team
    以熟悉互联网演进见称并被封为“互联网皇后”及被time . com誉为互联网精英的玛丽米克,现为摩根士丹利的董事总经理并公司之全球科技研究组组长之一,由互联网发展初期至今一直深信互联网带来前所未有的商机。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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